AnsCalT {netdata}R Documentation

Student Government of the University of Ljubljana / 1992


In the experiment two alternative methods were used for collection of network data: Recall: Members of the group were asked to identify the members of their egocentric networks by memory. The criteria for enumeration was frequency of the recalled communications. Recognition: The list of all members of the group was given to each member. They were first asked to identify who they communicate with and than to select the persons they communicate with most often. The number of listed persons was not limited in any method.

The analyzed network consisted of communication interactions among twelve members and advisors of the Student Government at the University in Ljubljana. The results of the measurement are not real interactions among actors but cognition about communication interactions. Data were collected with face to face interviews which lasted from 20 to 30 minutes. Interviews were conducted in May 1992.

Communication flow among actors was identified by three questions: Who of the members and advisors of the Student government do you (most often) informally discuss with? Which members and advisors of the Student Government do you (most often) ask for an opinion? Which of the members and advisors of the Student Government (most often) ask you for an opinion? The content of the communication flow was limited to the matters of the Student Government. The time frame was also defined: questions were referred to the six months period (from the formation of the government to the day of the interview).

Only one respondent listed all the others under the recognition method for two relations (discussion, asking for an opinion). For that respondent the first group was defined arbitrary. The cut point was determined by the average number of selected persons at the recognition method (3.5 for the first relation and 4.5 for the second).

One respondent refused to cooperate in the experiment. As he was not considered in the analysis, the network consists of eleven actors.




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Licenses and Citation

If the source of the data set does not specified otherwise, this data set is protected by the Creative Commons License

When publishing results obtained using this data set the original authors should be cited. In addition this package should be cited as:

Mark S. Handcock, David Hunter, Carter T. Butts, Steven M. Goodreau, and Martina Morris. 2003 statnet: An R package for the Statistical Modeling of Social Networks
and the source should be cited as:

{Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar (2006):} Pajek datasets



See link above.

See Also

network, sna

[Package netdata version 0.5-1 Index]