ChesMiddle {netdata} | R Documentation |
The food-webs were selected from the R.E. Ulanowicz's Collection from the Ecosystem Network Analysis site and from ATLSS - Network Analysis of Trophic Dynamics in South Florida Ecosystems.
The original data are in SCOR format. They were transformed using program Scor2Paj into corresponding Pajek project files. Besides the network description, described by the exchange flow from the donor to recipient compartments, every paj
file contains also a vector of values for the bio-masses of each vertex (compartement), and a partition of vertices into types 1 - Living/producing compartment 2 - Other compartment 3 - Input 4 - Output 5 - Respiration
Use data(package="netdata")
to get a full list of networks.
If the source of the data set does not specified otherwise, this data set is protected by the Creative Commons License
When publishing results obtained using this data set the original authors should be cited. In addition this package should be cited as:
Mark S. Handcock, David Hunter, Carter T. Butts, Steven M. Goodreau,
and Martina Morris. 2003
statnet: An R package for the Statistical Modeling of Social Networks
and the source should be cited as:
{Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar (2006):} Pajek datasets
See link above.
network, sna