
Legal basis for divorce in the USA


This is a data set of the legal basis for divorce in the 50 states of the USA. Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. The nine legal bases are: incompatability, cruelty, desertion, nonsupport, alcohol, felony, impotence, insanity, and separation. The network is a bipartite graph consisting of the 50 states in the USA and the nine legal bases for divorce. Each state has edges to the bases allowed for legal divorce.


In some states, divorce is called dissolution or dissolution of marriage. A divorce or dissolution severs (ends) a marriage. This data set lists the legal basis of divorce that are available in each state. The nine legal bases are: incompatability, cruelty, desertion, nonsupport, alcohol, felony, impotence, insanity, and separation. The States are listed in alphabetic order, except that South Carolina (a middleing State in terms of basis for divorce) is listed first. Note that Alabama allows all bases for divorce.


The data is originally from Julian Faraway

Licenses and Citation

Legal Basis for Divorce and State Policies in the US (YEAR)
A citation to the original published source; if the data was obtained from a secondary published source (e.g., data republished in Wasserman and Faust), an appropriately labeled citation should indicate this fact.

If the source of the data set does not specified otherwise, this data set is protected by the Creative Commons License


Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar (2006): Pajek datasets


Julian Faraway, Stat 503 data set.
When publishing results obtained using this data set the original authors should be cited. In addition this package should be cited as:
Christopher L. DuBois, Emma S. Spiro, Zack Almquist, Mark S. Handcock, David Hunter, Carter T. Butts, Steven M. Goodreau, and Martina Morris. 2003 netdata: A Collection of Network Data